The time has come once again for Disciple Now! Being a student that has participated in DNOW for several years, and now having the opportunity to take your children to experience it is such a tremendous blessing. Thank you for allowing your children to come and participate in DNOW '25 and for supporting the amazing Student Ministry that we have at Dawson Street Baptist Church! DNOW '25 will be Jan. 17th-19th The cost is $45 a person. If you would like to sign your child up, please follow the instructions below!
God Bless, Logan Davis Associate Pastor of Students
Remember! Sign-up/Permission Form -Please sign-up HEREas soon as possible! This needs to be turned in no later than 1/17/25 (at luggage drop off). Participant Information Packet Link HERE Registration Form & Payment - Needs to be turned no later than 1/17/25 (at luggage drop-off). Luggage Drop-off - Drop your luggage off at the DSBC parking lot and then go to First Baptist Worship Center. Host Home Information - Will be given to you at luggage drop-off.
What do I need to bring? A great attitude with a desire to learn is a must. Also, be sure to bring the following: Bible & pen, sleeping bag, pillow, casual clothes, church clothes for Sunday (blue jeans & D-NOW shirt), work clothes for Saturday (closed-toe shoes), toiletries, bath towel, a 2-liter drink and your favorite snacks. This is not an all inclusive list, just remember you will be staying in a host home from Friday night until Sunday morning.
What should I be sure NOT to bring? Be sure not to bring a bad attitude, video games, tobacco products, lighters, matches, or anything that could damage your host’s home. Also, leave a mindset to prank and mess with other people at home!!In order to keep cell phones from being a distraction, they will need to be turned-in to host homes during Bible Study times & bedtime.
Schedule of Events Friday: 6:00 p.m. Luggage Drop-off at DSBCparking lot 6:30 p.m. Doors Open (FBC Worship Center) 7:00 p.m. *Welcome Celebration atFBC Worship Center 8:30 p.m. Leave for hosthomes 10:30 p.m. Study Session 1&2 12:00 a.m. Lights Out
Saturday: 9:30 a.m. Breakfast at DSBC 10:30 a.m. *Large Group Session 2 12:00 p.m. Lunch (our church in fellowshiphall) 1:00 p.m. Ministry Project 4:00 p.m. Return to host home &cleanup 5:30 p.m. DinneratDSBC 7:00 p.m. *Worship 10:00 p.m. StudySession3 12:00 a.m. Lights Out
Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Youth Worship Service (studysession4) Parents & Family Welcome 10:00a.m. Hot Breakfast at DSBC FellowshipHall
* Denotes a “Multi-church group event held at FBC”